〈洋書〉BOYS LOVE MANGA AND BEYOND ボーイズラブマンガをこえて:日本の歴史、文化、コミュニティ菅沼勝彦 長池一美◎やおい系 BL 美少年
BOYS LOVE MANGA AND BEYOND :History , Culture , and Community in Japan Mark McLelland Kazumi Nagaike Katsuhiko Suganuma James Welker
言語:英語 仕様:ハードカバー 寸法:15.9 × 23.5 × 厚 2.5 cm 定価:
Boys Love Manga and Beyond looks at a range of literary, artistic and other cultural products that celebrate the beauty of adolescent boys and young men. In Japan, depiction of the "beautiful boy" has long been a romantic and sexualized trope for both sexes and commands a high degree of cultural visibility today across a range of genres from pop music to animation.
In recent decades, "Boys Love" (or simply BL) has emerged as a mainstream genre in manga, anime, and games for girls and young women. This genre was first developed in Japan in the early 1970s by a group of female artists who went on to establish themselves as major figures in Japan's manga industry. By the late 1970s many amateur women fans were getting involved in the BL phenomenon by creating and self-publishing homoerotic parodies of established male manga characters and popular media figures. The popularity of these fan-made products, sold and circulated at huge conventions, has led to an increase in the number of commercial titles available. Today, a wide range of products produced both by professionals and amateurs are brought together under the general rubric of "boys love," and are rapidly gaining an audience throughout Asia and globally.
This collection provides the first comprehensive overview in English of the BL phenomenon in Japan, its history and various subgenres and introduces translations of some key Japanese scholarship not otherwise available. Some chapters detail the historical and cultural contexts that helped BL emerge as a significant part of girls' culture in Japan. Others offer important case studies of BL production, consumption, and circulation and explain why BL has become a controversial topic in contemporary Japan.
Boys Love Manga and Beyondは、思春期の少年や若い男性の美しさを称賛する文学的、芸術的、その他の文化的な作品を幅広く取り上げています。日本では、「美しい少年」の描写は長い間、男女を問わずロマンチックで性的なものであり、今日ではポップ ミュージックからアニメーションまで、さまざまなジャンルにわたって高度な文化的認知度を誇っています。
BOYS LOVE MANGA AND BEYOND :History , Culture , and Community in Japan
Mark McLelland
Kazumi Nagaike
Katsuhiko Suganuma
James Welker
寸法:15.9 × 23.5 × 厚 2.5 cm
Boys Love Manga and Beyond looks at a range of literary, artistic and other cultural products that celebrate the beauty of adolescent boys and young men. In Japan, depiction of the "beautiful boy" has long been a romantic and sexualized trope for both sexes and commands a high degree of cultural visibility today across a range of genres from pop music to animation.
In recent decades, "Boys Love" (or simply BL) has emerged as a mainstream genre in manga, anime, and games for girls and young women. This genre was first developed in Japan in the early 1970s by a group of female artists who went on to establish themselves as major figures in Japan's manga industry. By the late 1970s many amateur women fans were getting involved in the BL phenomenon by creating and self-publishing homoerotic parodies of established male manga characters and popular media figures. The popularity of these fan-made products, sold and circulated at huge conventions, has led to an increase in the number of commercial titles available. Today, a wide range of products produced both by professionals and amateurs are brought together under the general rubric of "boys love," and are rapidly gaining an audience throughout Asia and globally.
This collection provides the first comprehensive overview in English of the BL phenomenon in Japan, its history and various subgenres and introduces translations of some key Japanese scholarship not otherwise available. Some chapters detail the historical and cultural contexts that helped BL emerge as a significant part of girls' culture in Japan. Others offer important case studies of BL production, consumption, and circulation and explain why BL has become a controversial topic in contemporary Japan.
Boys Love Manga and Beyondは、思春期の少年や若い男性の美しさを称賛する文学的、芸術的、その他の文化的な作品を幅広く取り上げています。日本では、「美しい少年」の描写は長い間、男女を問わずロマンチックで性的なものであり、今日ではポップ ミュージックからアニメーションまで、さまざまなジャンルにわたって高度な文化的認知度を誇っています。
このコレクションは、日本における BL 現象、その歴史、およびさまざまなサブジャンルの英語での最初の包括的な概要を提供し、他の方法では入手できないいくつかの重要な日本の学問の翻訳を紹介します。いくつかの章では、BL が日本の少女文化の重要な部分として出現するのを助けた歴史的および文化的背景について詳しく説明しています。また、BL の生産、消費、流通に関する重要なケーススタディを提供し、BL が現代の日本で物議を醸すトピックになった理由を説明するものもあります。
※ うす汚れやコスレなど、多少使用感のある状態です。タイトルページと目次のあいだの根元がやや開きぎみになってます。なにかが切り取られてる可能性もありますが、ひょっとしたら奥付けにあたる(発行年度や出版社などが書かれている)ページかも知れません。なにかが破り取られている可能性もふくめて定かではありませんが、本文には書き込みも欠損も全くありません。